Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January begins and preparations move into high gear. 

But wait, allow me to step back and introduce myself and this blog.  I am Bob Levy the reform rabbi in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  I am fortunate to enjoy a sabbatical for the next six months.  My plan is to cycle, that is on a bicycle, from Florida through Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and back again to Mississippi visiting different Jewish congregations each Shabbat.  In between these visits I will tour the ways and by-ways in self-supported touring.

I am working with the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (http://www.isjl.org/).  Check out their site.  They do the deed, supporting what was once the center of American Jewish life.  With their generous help, together we mapped out a route and made connections with congregations willing to host a visiting rabbi in need of a well cooked meal and a warm shower. 

Preparations also included readying a bike with the help of the folks at Two Wheel Tango in Ann Arbor.  I'll be shipping down to Florida, to my mom's, a tricked out Gunner touring bike, my transport and pretty much my home for three months.  I've got maps and panniers and lights and cooking and sleeping gear.  Everything light and small.

Come February, I'll be ready.  I hope.



  1. Indeed. The journey IS the goal. Looking forward to following your mission, Rabbi.
    Be safe. Come back.

  2. Good luck on your trip.Spread the good word. Best Wishes from Gert Mokotoff- Eve's MOM

  3. Good luck, good weather, good food, and good people on your journey. watch out for those snarling dogs. Don't forget your towel. Can you share your map on-line so we can follow your travels?

    Shabbat Shalom,
    Bob and Carol Milstein
