Saturday, February 12, 2011

The First Gig, whew.

Today, I led services at the senior apartments where my mom lives.  On one hand, a piece of cake: An abbreviated service for elderly Jews.  Om the other hand it felt like Yom Kippur.  In a week I have grown to love these people, my mom's friends, steeped in wisdom and learning, open to what I have to offer but not uncritical of it.  People who want a Me Shaberach after an Aliya and appreciate the blessing, who say kaddish with pain and wisdom and who with knowledge sing both Hatikva and the Star Spangled Banner with full voices.

Well all went well.  Lots of Jews with good feelings, including when we dedicated a Torah in memory of my Dad.  And when it was over it still felt like the High Holy Days.  Lots of powerful positive energy.

And then the kiddish.  Thank God for South Florida.  Smoked whitefish salad, real lox with capers, terrific challah and rugulach like you don't see every day.  In case you don't know me real well, I have a weakness for food and so will this blog. 

A great start to my trip.


  1. You are really an inspiration. It seems if David could slay Goliath, you can pedal that bike down Florida - or is that Canaan, Egypt or Palestine? The camel has four legs and a terrible spit. You, on the other hand, have your bike and great determination. Good luck and be safe.

  2. The previous comment was actually posted by Margy Merion.
